Photo Gallery (Collections)


Holy Week 2015: St. Nicholas Church - Lexington, MA

The St. Nicholas parish family of Lexington, Massachusetts is a close one, and growing with each passing year. Our members include those who remember the founding of our parish 50 years ago, as well as those whom are welcomed with 40 day blessings throughout the year. Together, we traveled our Lenten journey which prepared us for Great and Holy Week and Pascha and celebrated the glory of our Resurrected Lord. Christ is Risen!!!

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
17 Meriam Street
Lexington, MA 02420-5368

Voice: (781) 862-6453

Rev. Fr. Demetri Costarakis, Presiding Priest
Holy Week and Pascha at St. Nicholas in Lexington, MA
The Service of the Bridegroom; the icon of Christ the Bridegroom adorned with flowers.